
Installation of Inventory Resource

STEP 1 - Drag And Drop

Drag qb-inventory and dev-antidump into your resources folder.

STEP 2 - Antidump Configuration

DevConfig.AntiDump = {
    folder = "[qb]",
    scripts = {
        {name = "config.lua"},
        {name = "client/main.lua"},
        {name = "client/crafting.lua"},
        {nui = true, html = true, name = "/html/ui.html"},
        {nui = true, css = true, name = "/html/css/main.css"},
        {nui = true, js = true, name = "/html/js/app.js"}

You should edit the config according to the file location of qb-inventory.

Important Note: dev-antidump resource must be run before inventory.

STEP 3 - Decay Configuration

You need to add a decay and created value in your qb-core/shared/items for all items, the decay is set to be the days the item lasts.

["created"] = nil
["decay"] = 28.0 

Last updated